Is Your Website Secure?

Kevin GallgherIT Services

Protect Yourself and Your Customers

If you have not heard, Google once again changed their algorithm this year and now having an HTTPS (secure website) is more important than ever before. But if that is not enough to get your attention, then maybe the interaction and customer trust will. We always preach security and in this climate web security is a must.
Reasons to have HTTPS:
  • Part of the new Google algorithm involves having your site secure. Google is now going to make it mandatory to have an SSL certificate to secure your site. Websites that are not secure will not have a high index.
  • There are many customers that will not visit a site that is not secure.
  • If you sell product on your site, even if you use PayPal for your transactions, customers will not trust your site or buy your product.
  • Your and your client’s information is hack-able and can be prey to hackers.
What would you rather customers see?
Whether you have your hosting with us or not, we can provide you with an SSL certificate and other security features to ensure that your website is safe and secure for your customers. Contact us today!