Marketing Trends for 2020

Kevin GallgherUncategorized

Digital Marketing Trends 2020

We get a lot of phone calls about website design and other digital marketing services. For many of them, we have provided website design and SEO services. With that in mind, we wanted to send along some information on digital marketing trends that you should be considering for 2020.

Video Marketing

YouTube has already become one of the most used search engines. Now, in 2020, YouTube is currently the 2nd most popular social media platform and trending to become #1. Not to mention, customers are 64% more likely to purchase a product that has a video.

Content Marketing

Content can take the face of many things. More website content, video content, social media posts, and more. The hardest part of content marketing is the time it takes to create. This is a great marketing tactic to outsource. Or in the case of social media, consider a platform like Hootsuite.


People want to feel like companies are engaging them on a personal level. There are a ton of ways to engage with customers and give them a personalized online experience. One of those is using a chat plugin. Chat plugins allow you to talk to customers on your site in real-time. Other ways to personalize can be loyalty programs and giving them the ability to login to personalized content for them.

Reputation Mgmt.

There are many online directory sites. All of them have a profile made about your company. Some are Google, Yahoo, Manta, YellowPages and so on. If those sites have conflicting data, it can count against you from an SEO point of view. Now there is software that we can help you set up that allows you to build a profile and update 70+ directory sites including voice search with Google, Alexa, and others.
Digital marketing is more than just a website with decent SEO. It is many different facets that all direct people back to your company. Want help implementing any of these into your digital marketing strategy? Contact us today to talk more.