Quick Tips

Kevin GallgherIT Services, Uncategorized

Starting today, once a month we will be adding into our email blasts Quick Tips and Tricks for you to be able to recall information, work in your system better, and have an overall better understanding of how your computer works. So this month, we are going to give you 3 really awesome tips and tricks to kick things off.

Recall a Closed Tab

“Oh no… I closed the tab by mistake?!” Often heard around the office, this is one of the most frustrating things to happen. Simply click Ctrl+Shift+T and it will reopen the most recently closed tab.

YouTube Shortcuts

Most people know that the space bar pauses a video. But did you know:
K – Pause Vid
J – Step forward 10 sec.
L – Step backward 10 sec.
M – Mute

Find Your Wifi Password

Your new guest needs the wifi password, but no one seems to know what it is. Go to the “Network and Sharing center, right click on wifi network connection icon, wireless properties, and click show characters on the password.

A New Service From Source One!

On Hold Music With Voice Over

Have you ever wanted your own on hold music with voice over when someone calls in and is put on hold. Source One now has a marketing partner that can help.
No matter what type of music or male/female voice we can get it together for you.
Contact us today to learn more!