The Coronavirus and Your Company

Kevin GallgherUncategorized

What is Your Plan?

Have you heard yet? There is a new virus spreading across the world!!! Yes, we have all heard the news that the Coronavirus is bringing the world to it’s knees.Schools and businesses alike are forced with coming up with business continuity plans in the event that their employees will have to work remotely.
In light of the Governor declaring a state of emergency Monday here in NJ, we thought that it was finally time to send out a list of things that you will need to keep in mind for your employees that will be working from home.
  • Communication is everything. Send out a questionnaire to determine what needs and concerns your staff may have.
  • Utilize a VoIP system for phones. Put together a document and have staff either take their work phone home with them or forward calls to a cell phone so they can stay connected.
  • Set up a Remote Desktop and teach them how to connect.
  • Consider investing in Laptops for key employees.
  • Make sure employees can print to their home printer from a remote desktop.
  • Make sure to have phone and video conference available so people can still collaborate.


We invite all of you to reach out to us today. We can help you get the hardware, software, and system programs to ensure that your staff stays connected, productive, and efficient if the worst-case scenario happens. The key is to be preventative and not reactionary. Call us today to set up a consultation.